You know stretching is important. Oftentimes people don’t know where to start, or feel like they never have the time to fit it in. Here, we’ve simplified things and created a list of five stretches and one exercise that you can do without even leaving your workstation. Heck, you may even be able to do these while on your Zoom video conference (depending on how silly you’re willing to look). These particular stretches are well-suited to counteract some of the negative side effects from prolonged sitting and computer work.
Upper Trap Stretch
Tip one ear toward the same shoulder, keeping your eyes facing forward
Apply gentle pressure with the same side hand, if needed
Stretch should be comfortable and felt on the opposite side of the neck and possibly toward the shoulder
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2 - 3 times on each side

Levator Scapulae Stretch
Place one hand under your chair to anchor that side of the neck
Turn your head in the opposite direction of that hand
Tuck your chin
Gently use the same side hand to bring your head forward to feel a comfortable stretch in the back of the neck and down toward the shoulder blade
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2 - 3 times per side

Wrist Extensor Stretch
With your arm stretched out straight ahead of you and your palm facing down, use your opposite hand to gently pull your hand toward you
Stretch should be comfortable and felt in the top of the forearm to the wrist
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2 - 3 times on each side

Thoracic Extension
Place your hands behind your head for support
Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, extend your middle back over the top of your firm chair
This helps to improve the mobility in your middle back and open up the chest
Hold for 2 - 5 seconds and repeat 5 - 10 times

Piriformis Stretch
Cross one leg over the other by resting your ankle on top of your knee
Press down on the knee of the crossed leg with both hands
If you need more of a stretch, gently lean your trunk forward while keeping your back flat
Stretch should be comfortable and felt in the back of the hip
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2 - 3 times on each side

Simple Exercise for Posture (Bilateral Shoulder External Rotation)
This can be performed with or without a resistance band
Sit (or stand) with elbows close to your side and palms facing up
Squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back and bring your hands apart
Your shoulders should NOT raise up toward your ears
Hold for 2 - 5 seconds and repeated 10 - 15 times

This program can be repeated several times throughout the day and should always be comfortable. Please keep in mind that this is a general wellness program. If you need something specifically tailored to you and your needs, please give us a call so we can better help you.
Be sure to check out our previous post on a great workstation setup to prevent pain, tightness, and injury. Stay well, don’t forget to stretch, and make time for yourself to be active. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at BHPT. We’re here for you.
All photos from Medbridge