We all know it’s important to stretch after a run - this is no secret! But oftentimes we try to squeeze in a little more distance and before we know it, we’re running (no pun intended) late for the next thing on our schedule for the day. This leaves us busting out a couple of runner’s stretches on the side of the house while we stare at our watch trying to strategize getting in a shower, a cup of coffee, and stopping for gas on the way to work. Too familiar? Yeah, I know, same. (We’re not perfect either.)
The fact of the matter is, having a good program for stretching after running is crucial to preventing injuries such as muscle tears and stress fractures, and enhances muscle recovery. So let’s make this simple. Here’s a quick and easy post-run stretch program. Carve out a few minutes to do this every time. Yes, every time.
Calf Stretch
Stand with one foot in front, and one in back (back leg is the one being stretched); hands on a wall or something sturdy for support
Keep the back knee straight and the toes pointing forward
Lean forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in the back of the calf
Hold x 30 seconds and repeat 3 times
*You can also do this stretch with one heel off the edge of a stair to get a more intense stretch *

Hamstrings + Adductors
Sit with both legs out long and in a V shape
You can lean your body forward toward the middle OR reach to one leg at a time
Comfortable stretch should be felt in the back and inside of the thigh(s)
Hold x 30 seconds and repeat 3 times

Standing, bend the knee and grasp the foot behind you
Comfortable stretch should be felt in the front of the thigh
Can hold onto something sturdy for balance, if need
Hold x 30 seconds and repeat 3 times

Hip Flexors
In a lunge position, lean your weight forward so you feel a comfortable stretch in the front of the hip and thigh on the kneeling side
It’s important to push your hip forward on the kneeling side
Add in an overhead reach to the side for a deeper stretch
Hold x 30 seconds and repeat 3 times on each leg

With one leg stretched out long in front of you, bend one knee and cross the leg over
Give the bent knee a hug and twist a bit
Comfortable stretch in the back of the hip
Hold x 30 seconds and repeat 3 times on each leg

Thoracic Spine Rotation
In hands and knees position, reach one arm under the other
Take slow, deep breaths
Comfortable stretching in the mid back region
Hold x 2 - 3 deep breaths and repeat 3 - 5 times on each side
Also check out cat and camel from our previous post!

Carve out the ten minutes for yourself to prevent injury and get you moving on to your next workout at your best health! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at BHPT. We’re here for you.
(Exercise demo photos from MedBridge Education)